Friday, February 4, 2011

Super Bowl Sunday

Since I am a Wisconsin native, this weekend is going to be a big one. The Green Bay Packers (miraculously) are in the Super Bowl! Here are some recipes, several that I have personally tried and love. Most of these are from Hungry Girl. Her cookbooks are awesome and the recipes are easy and much healthier than their greasy fried counterparts.

Hungry Girl's amazing faux-fried foods!

Plus, if you aren't aware- most grocery stores have double coupon days. The one closest to my house does it every Saturday and then has "events" where certain months also have a weekday that they will double all manufacturers coupons. I must say, I wasn't aware of this and never have been a huge coupon clipper. Let me explain how fantastic a deal this can be. Most of the time when there are manufacturers coupons for a product, my local chain has the item on sale as well. This makes it such a good deal. But what if I want a GREAT deal?? Well, double coupon day shop! This takes some of these seemingly small coupons to huge price reductions.

Yes, I am going on and on about this. I am young and haven't had a lot of experience in this facet of saving. I do, however, have a question for you.

Where do you get your manufacturers coupons from?

They seem to be harder and harder to find now-a-days.


I have to tell you about this simple, yet wonderful idea that my co-workers started. I used to end up buying books that I wanted to read at bookstores because the holds at the library were out of control. How can "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" have over 700 holds on it? That means that I won't be able to check that puppy out for over 2 years!! The girls in my department have started a collection that fills one large file drawer with books they have bought and read. What an astounding idea! I rarely do anything with the books I buy after reading them. They just end up on my bookshelf at home collecting dust. Why more people don't do this is beyond me. Not only does it save us all beaucoup bucks, it helps us do that office bonding thing that companies love so much.

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