Wednesday, January 18, 2012

SOPA/ PIPA- What you need to know

I've been searching the internet for a good explaination of what is going on that isn't several pages long. I found an article written by James, manager or crashmasters on his website, Thank you, James- for putting this in a way that everyone can understand.

Here is that article. Please read it.

Hey everyone, James here with a little bit of a wake up call for you.

Over the past few months, the MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America) and other various media associations have been pushing for the Stop Online Piracy Act (S.O.P.A.) and the Protect-IP Act (P.I.P.A.) to pass through our Senate and House of Representatives. But what do these bills mean to YOU?
I am sure a lot of you are going to look at the first name and say, “Oh, well, it is just there to stop piracy! That is a GOOD deed!”
Yes, it is. However; what else is in this bill? Is the MPAA simply trying to shut down online movie pirates? Or is there something more? Since most piracy sites are hosted OUTSIDE of the US, there is only one thing they can do. They can block “infringing” domain names from being accessed by United States Citizens via their ISP.
I know what you are thinking, “I thought our traffic was anonymous?!”

Yes, in most cases, it is. However, with either of these acts, ISP’s (Internet Service Providers) and web sites like Google (the largest, and most widely used search provider in the world) would be forced to hand over logs of traffic, and search results. So even if you delete that certain history from your computer, Comcast, Frontier, and even Google, will have to give it up the results, and WHO YOU ARE, just because the government says so.
Here is a short video to break down exactly what is going on. Mind you, this is BOTH bills in a nut shell. It is much worse, and more secure than you think.

I assume I have your attention now?  As the video states; this does not just effect businesses, and larger websites. This effects YOU.
Allow me to put this into clearer terms, and this will be the end of my rant.

Say you go to a local Karaoke bar. Your best friend, boy/girlfriend gets up and sings their heart out, or falls on their face. Either way, it is hilarious and awesome. You videotape said friend/significant other and upload that video to YouTube.

A few days, or even hours, later; your video is removed, and you have an e-mail, or letter in your inbox saying that Warner Music, or Sony/BMG, is about to sue you for everything you own because you infringed on their material.

Oh, and did I mention it is up to a 5 year felony?

And all you wanted to do was get a laugh.

Welcome to the “future” of the internet if you do not speak up. Think it would not happen to you? Remember the baby in the video? Because this new bill negates and destroys the “Fair Use Act” and the “Freedom of Information Act”, Sony and Warner can WIN. Easily, I might add.

Speak up, internet. Whether you just Facebook all day, or are the hardest of all hardcore bloggers. Shoot over to and send that email to your local congressman/woman and let your voice be heard. Customize it, or just send it out the way it was formatted. Either way; your voice DOES matter.

Manager of Crashmasters Computer Sales and Repair

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