Friday, January 20, 2012


I don't know about the rest of you, but I work out hard. I find my way to the gym whenever I can. I push myself to the limit and love finding new, creative and challenging ways to try and achieve my fitness goals. I can't say I have never dieted- I have. I can't say that it was bad for me- it wasn't. I lost my first 20 lbs on the South Beach Diet and still use recipes that I learned from eating that way very often. I have never gained that weight back.

However, I haven't become toned and sleek, either. That, my friends, takes patience and perseverance. I have been committed to the gym for almost 2 years now. I have gone from a size 6/8 to a size 2. I just have yet to achieve that overall toned look. I had a hard time coping with the fact that even at a size 2, my body wasn't looking like that girl up there ^.

Recently, a friend of mine put a post up about her weight loss goals and how she was achieving them. A free website where you can track the food you eat and the exercises you do. Not only do you track it, but you initially enter information and your goals and it will ANALYZE everything for you! There are tons of users, so most foods you can imagine are already in the database.

The big bonus here--- There is a FREE iPhone AND Android app for this site! That means, no matter where you are, you can be entering in calories consumed. I never realized how much junk I eat during the day while working. Now that those numbers are pretty much staring me right in the face, I make much better decisions for my diet.

If you are the type to cook your own meals at home, there is a place where you can enter the recipes you make and get the breakdown in calories, protein, fat, etc. I think this is great for everyone- whether you are trying to lose weight or not. It's important that you know what is going in your body, and My Fitness Pal makes it easy to keep track and look at your own personal diet trends.

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