Thursday, October 20, 2011

2011 Goals

For 2010, I had talked about the goals I had for myself for the year. First and foremost, I have not yet achieved my Jennifer Aniston Abs. However, with all the random things that have been happening lately, I have not been making it to the gym like I should. I am proud of myself for running on the beach while on vacation. That was one goal that I am glad that I accomplished.

1. Sky Miles. I wanted enough to 'pay' for 2 flights out to San Francisco. I met that goal with a little help and was able to take an almost expense free vacation this fall to the west coast.

2. Loans. My student loans have been slowly making their way to the big zero. Recently, I took the plunge and just paid them off completely. I thought that it would be a lot more freeing of a feeling, but really- it wasn't. I just see my savings account, get down a little on the balance and tell myself, "That money will return in just a few short months. Don't fret."

3. Savings. Goal was to have one year's worth of gross salary in the bank. I hit my goal last month, but decided to pay off those pesky student loans, which dropped me back to the 50%-60% range. This account is separate from all other accounts (including the illustrious Gift Fund for Christmas and birthdays, and the emergency fund for all other unexpected expenses). According to my predictions, I should be back to where I was within the next 3.5 months. Yes... it does take me into 2012, but those are the breaks, Kid.
Winter is upon us here in the Midwest. Time to start thinking about my goals for the elusive 2012. Should I even make goals? Isn't the world going to end?? Remember Y2K? We didn't have a Y2K stock of food, but my then-boyfriend's family sure did! I guess I am just not superstitious enough. I digress.

My new goals for 2012 are pretty lofty.

1. Train enough to be able to run. Real running. My bum knee is no longer going to keep me from doing this. Slow and steady, however. My first step is to see how far I can get on the treadmill at the gym this weekend. I am hoping 3 miles. If that is the case, then I will slowly train for a 5k this November. Work my way up from there.

2. Continue to build up my savings. My goal is to be able to buy a house. It would be best if I had the patience to wait until I could buy one outright, but I am not sure that is the case. I have been able to cut back my spending substantially and am willing to put the goal of 1.5x my yearly salary in savings by the end of 2012.

3. To work my butt off and hopefully get another pay increase in March. I understand that there is a lot of potential for me to rise in the ranks this year (and the next 5 years as well.) I hope that I can accomplish this and that it will help me meet and exceed my financial goals.

4. Get an A in my Spring semester class. That one should be easy enough.

5. Find an internship that doesn't conflict with my current job. Now that one might be impossible. I guess we will see how it goes. This goal, Goal #5, is very flexible and does not need to be finished in 2012.

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