Wednesday, March 2, 2011

February Grocery Shop: Update

I have done all my research for my March menu. It’s wonderful and I can’t wait to make the food I have scheduled. Yet, there is one minor “set back.” My February grocery shop has lasted into March!! Yes!! (but oh no! at the same time.) I am glad that we were able to make this last well into the following month. By my calculations, we will be eating for another 2.5 weeks on February’s menu items- and then some.

Unfortunately, that means I can’t really shop for “march” until the cabinets and freezer/fridge are closer to empty. I was really excited for some of those recipes, too. I am planning on trying to hold out as long as possible before the next major grocery shop. However, there are a few items that I will be purchasing in advance- corned beef and cabbage!! It’s that time of year and I am ecstatic for traditional Irish fare. And who can forget those Reuben’s for the day after? It’s all I have been able to think about since I read a friend’s blog who posted a mouth-water picture of the Reuben from Carnegie Deli. Okay, that AND Wisconsin’s traditional Friday fish fry. My body might have to go into calorie rehab after March is through. Charlie Sheen, you can keep your “Charlie Sheen” drug- I want creamy thousand island goodness piled high!

I try not to write about food very often, but I came across a recipe that not only fits my March calorie Madness but sounds completely irresistible. I’m putting this out there in hopes that someone (… ahem… hannster) might feel the urge to make them. I haven’t the tools to do it, but could probably figure out a way to bake instead of fry these babies. Here’s the recipe- prepare to drool.

Also, on a related subject- anyone have any recommendations for bread makers? I may have asked once before, but I am pretty interested in this French bread recipe.

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