Monday, August 29, 2011

Where'd Summer Go??

Wow. It is almost September already! The kiddos are heading back to school, which I love because it means removal of the speed bumps from all over the roads to the gym. My gym happens to be on a campus and connected to a rather large ‘summer camp’ that is pretty popular.
Everything is beginning to settle down. It really has been crazy. I ended up taking 2 days of vacation a few weeks ago just to get my sanity back. It was really nice to have all that time. I did get a bit stir crazy, but since I have accomplished a lot more than I would have normally.
We cut down several tree like things that were really causing us some issues along our garage. It’s pretty dramatic, the change. We still have a lot left to take care of. Mainly we’re going to use some Round-Up and try to kill all the roots. Then we will completely clean up the area to make it nice and usable again. I have also been at it again with the organization of our apartment and storage. OH! I have such grand ideas and just need to find the most cost effective (FRUGAL) way of doing things.

I conquered my class and achieved the highest grade in the course. I was pretty stoked about that, because I am not usually THE highest grade. Roo had some reservations about my being able to handle school along with my full time job, especially since the class was condensed into 4 weeks. However, it was done masterfully and I have to thank him for being so helpful and supportive.

Friday night was our department outing to the Brewers vs Cubs game. It was a great time. I was really appreciative that we were allowed to bring guests with. The company has a suite at the stadium and it makes the whole experience quite comfortable. There is room to move around and food and beverages everywhere. Plus, the Packer game was on. We tuned our flat screens to the Packer game so we were lucky to get to see both. Plus, the Brewers swept the Cubbies. Good weekend!

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