Tuesday, June 21, 2011


It's an added bonus to my position. Because I am required to 'be the face of the World Headquarters' at all times, when my coworker takes vacation time (which she often does because she has 6 weeks of vacation), I am allowed to bank my salary PLUS overtime. It's mostly around an hour a day, because I don't take breaks when she's gone- but it really adds up! It has been supplementing my paycheck, which is great. It only pushes me that much closer to my goals.

I enrolled on a summer class, which I am very excited about. I noticed that my student loans weren't debited from my checking account this month. When I called to inquire, I found out that the university had sent notice of my being a student and the loans went into a deferment. At first I was nervous because "why hadn't the payment come out of my account?" But then, I realized that I could pay off one loan and the other would drop significantly in interest rate because of the deferment. Plus, I can still continue to make payments during the deferment period. Regardless, I will have the loans paid off 100% before the deferment ends. All in all, it ended in a surprisingly happy way.

This week brings me the aforementioned Tim McGraw concert, as well as a nice retirement fish fry lunch for one of the sweethearts in my department. Sunday is the employee 'picnic' at the Brewers vs Twins game. The company rented out the Founders Suite, which I have never been. I hear it is amazing and they are offering appetizers and beverages before the game, and then catering a dinner during the game. That's pretty sweet. Thanks work, for being so generous- You're Awesome!

My goal for those solid 6-pack abs is coming along nicely. Above, you will see my favorite cardio machine, the Cardio Wave. I am holding steady at my current weight but dropped another size, which thrills me because it means I am doing a good job of challenging my body to create muscle and reduce body fat. I have added in a lot of mat based core work that utilizes the medicine ball. I have notice a reduction in my upper arms (I can see muscle definition I couldn't before) and my stomach is noticeably flatter- even in that tough to work lower ab region women most complain about.

However, I have noticed that my right knee- on the I had injured in high school sports, has been acting up in a very weird way. Only when I kneel on do I feel a very intense burning sensation- extremely sharp pain. I think that I might start wearing my brace again for awhile to see if that helps it (whatever the issue may be) heal. When it really starts acting up, I just use the bikes to reduce the amount of stress on it- even though the bikes are probably the worst machine as far as cardio/weight loss value is concerned. I love my body too much to force it through an injury.

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