Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Anthropologie- 50% Off Sale
My absolute favorite store, Anthropologie, has marked down all their sale items an extra 50% off! Both in stores and online. Online sells out quickly- so if you are looking for something, I'd move on it right now.
However, if you have a store near by, there is a better chance that you will be able to find the items you are looking for in your size. There is NO code needed for the website. The 50% comes off in your bag automatically. I recently purchased 2 tops, a parfume and a sleep set for less than $35 total. That is almost unheard of from this store!! I have to admit that the sweatshirt was 'damaged' and severely marked down. By damaged, there was a mark on the front that came out with a little soap and water. They have some of the CUTEST stuff.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Holiday Brain
Today is the first day of Hanukkah. We are only a mere 4+ days away from Christmas. My brain is fully into holiday mode. I am singing Christmas carols (except for at home where Roo has banned any holiday music.) We have, however, compromised on this subject. I will do without holiday music at home, but reserve the right to have consta-carols playing on both the 24th and the 25th. I think I won out on that deal. I get 25 minutes in My car every morning and evening commuting, so I get my fill each day.
I have only one present left to get, and it is a handmade gift basket with perishables. That will be taken care of on Thursday or Friday. 2 presents have shown up under the tree. One is in a rather medium sized box, the other in a small box that barely fits a bow on top. I'm excited for the small one. Wouldn't you be, too??
This holiday season has brought a lot of joy and hope for me. I hope it has done the same for you. As we struggle with shopping lists and invitations, compounded by December's bad weather (less this year than most- I mean, no snow in Wisconsin in December?? Unheard of!), it is good to be reminded that there are people in our lives who are worth this aggravation, and people to whom we are worth the same.
This is my holiday wish for you: peace of mind, prosperity through the year, happiness that multiplies, health for you and yours, fun around every corner, energy to chase your dreams, joy to fill your holidays!
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah.
Peace, joy and love- always.
Monday, December 5, 2011
Classic Movies
Recently Roo and I have started to dabble in watching some classic films together. It's been really great. (He spoils me... I know...) Most have less gore and violence, which is really appealing for the snuggly winter weather and holiday season.
We've already watched Sabrina (my favorite) and recently checked out Breakfast at Tiffany's from our local library. A super FREE way to 'rent' movies. Screw Redbox, Blockbuster kiosks, etc... The public library is where it's at!!
Does anyone have any suggestions as to what movies are "Have to Watch" classics? I'm really open to suggestions as my list of titles is rather short right now.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Dear Younger Self...
One of my favorite groups on facebook posted a thread today where you were to write to your younger self. I didn't post my response there, I thought it would be a great thing to blog about. Hopefully it will inspire YOU to add a comment about what you would tell your younger self.
Dear Younger Self,
In 7th grade you will be at the peak of your running career. Stick with it, and you will be a runner for life. Don't turn down your recruitment to the cross country team. He's cute and 'cool', but he is not and never will be 'the one' or 'the one that got away'. Guys aren't that important. GO TO THE GYM WITH SHONDA. Don't work so hard, pick one job and really let school be your 'full time' job. Drinking isn't that cool or fun.
You will have a good career, you will have a good relationship. You life will turn out, even though your 'plan' goes off track. It's actually better this way- you learn a lot more in the process. If you never go through the toughest times, you won't ever appreciate the good.
Friends come and go. Friendships fall apart, but you will always care for them and that says more about you than you will ever know.
Love yourself. Things aren't everything. You will get everything you want in life.
Love, Me
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Being Yourself
It's hard for me to come to the realization that some people feel that they are constantly under scrutiny to be like other people. That people outside of the circumstances one is in will tell you how they think you should handle a situation. However, they are not in it and they won't be able to tell you the true answer of how they would manage those circumstances. That because this person or that person doesn't understand why you do the things you do or say the things you say. If you start to agree with them that means you are wrong and they are right. The reality of the situation is that you don't know enough about who you are to trust yourself enough if this is happening. In the process you will never truly find happiness or love or anything besides that feeling of never quite being enough.
I urge everyone to make decisions based on your standards and not someone elses. By allowing other people to make decisions on situations that they are not intimately involved in, you will most certainly lose- and lose yourself in the process.
Be Kind.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
I rarely make it out of state anymore. This past Thanksgiving I took a little road trip up to Minnesota to visit one of my very best friends from college. We had a blast!
Friday evening we attended a cocktail party that was quite swanky. They took some beautiful (and fun!) portraits that turned out awesome. Here's mine.
Saturday we shopped IKEA and the MOA. It was a long day of shopping, but I found a pair of sunglasses that are indiscernible from the $100 ones that I craved for only a mere $6. Plus, they have darker lenses- which is a huge bonus for me.
Saturday night we went to Chino Latino. It was my first time. The food was great, but we could have made some better choices. My friend ate the Habanero Hell Poppers. They came with a warning.
After dinner, we had our fortune cookies. What Latin-Asain fusion resturant would go with out those. Check out our fortunes. YIKES!
Then we headed out to the bar where we had some great conversation and plenty to drink. The left overs from dinner came in real handy at the end of the night. I am craving an empanada as I type this.
Thanks to Shonda, Jennifer and Minnesota for the great weekend!
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
NBA Lockout
I will be the first to admit that I am NOT a basketball fan. Roo is, however. The NBA lockout makes everyone sad around basketball. Fans are losing each and every day but they're not the only ones. It's really a Lose-Lose-Lose situation. We all lose individually and as a whole. Networks lose, players lose, the NBA loses, vendors lose, apparel companies lose. The list goes on and on. Now they want to disband the NBPA. All these players are losing out and they want to get theirs. Everyone wants to get theirs. But the players will sue the NBA for damages. When did the world come to such a terrible place? It's a sport. It's a past time. It's great that you make millions of dollars and can wear those fancy close and huge diamond studs. My thoughts about basketball are with the kids that want so badly to become sports stars. What can I say, I wanted to be on Star Search. It was completely valid when I was a child. It worked for Brittany. Well, kind of. I digress.
The point of my little rant here is that there are so many blue collar workers involved with the NBA season. It's not just the players that are losing out. There are so many people that aren't getting paid for a job they would have now been doing for over 130 some days! Can you imagine if your meager salary went without 130 plus days worth of pay? That'd be one lousy Christmas for the kiddos.
To sum it up, I may not like basketball, but I hate the people that run it. Along with most of the athletes that play it. If they can sue the NBA for their losses, why can't the nacho vendor sue the NBA for the amount they are out so far for the season? Arg.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Planners are GREAT!
We've all been there at some point. Somehow, that project due date just slipped right up on us without our noticing.
That is why organizational skills are so important to performance. Who can afford to miss a due date just because we got lazy and didn't pay attention? Who wants to get "talked to" because we forgot to put our completed project in our briefcase the night before?
Poor organization skills can reduce your work efficiency and effectiveness. That's why you should learn to use a day planner the right way.
One that I am proud to carry because it is sleek and attractive. Franklin Covey is a great place to shop for planners. Even though you will spend a little more on your binder, the refills are very affordable. You get to pick the binder you like and the refill that you like, so you can customize it to truly fit your style and particulars.
That is why organizational skills are so important to performance. Who can afford to miss a due date just because we got lazy and didn't pay attention? Who wants to get "talked to" because we forgot to put our completed project in our briefcase the night before?
Poor organization skills can reduce your work efficiency and effectiveness. That's why you should learn to use a day planner the right way.
I splurged on my day planner and purchased a great leather binder from Franklin Covey.
Tips for Using a Planner
- Pick the right planner. Take your time when choosing a pocket planner. Find one that fits inside a special pocket or pouch in your bag if you can.
- Make the planner a part of your daily routine. Carry it with you at all times and remember to check it every morning and every night.
- Fill in your assignment due dates as soon as you learn them. Get in the habit of writing in your planner while you're given the project. Don't put it off!
- Learn to use backward planning. When you write a due date in your planner, go back a day or a week and give yourself a reminder that the due date is approaching.
- Use a color-coding system. Keep some colored stickers on hand and use those for reminders that a due date or other important event is approaching. For instance, use a yellow caution sticker to serve as a warning two days before your presentation is to give yourself time to prepare.
- Put everything in your planner. You must remember that anything that takes up time, like a date or a ball game, will keep you from working. If you don't put these things in your planner as time out, you may not realize how limited your time really is.
- Use flags. You can buy sticky-note flags and use them as tabs to indicate the end of a quarter or the due date of a large project. This is a great visual tool that serves as a constant reminder of a imminent due date.
- Don't discard old pages. You will always have important information in your planner that you'll need to see again at a later date. Old phone numbers, past appointments—you'll want to remember those things later on.
- Go ahead and congratulate yourself ahead of time. On the day after a big project is due, put in a reward appointment, like a trip to the mall or a meal out with friends. This can serve as positive reinforcement.
Things to Include in Your Planner
It is important to block off anything that consumes your time, in order to avoid conflict and crisis. Don't forget:- Regular meetings
- Project due dates
- Presentation dates
- Parties, dates, celebrations
- Family gatherings, vacations, excursions
- Training sessions
- Holidays
Friday, November 4, 2011
Take a Brake for Funny
This is worth watching! I don't usually like these types of things. I think I have a very unique sense of humor. This is so funny, I can watch it over and over and still find myself laughing. Enjoy!
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Flu Shot- What You Need to Know
Here is information from SELF magazine on flu shots- who should get them and how they work. Just a tidbit of info that everyone should know. Plus, a bonus- this year may be ouch-free!
5 Things You Must Know Before Getting the Flu Shot
Flu season is peaking over the next several months, and this year, the CDC is urging everyone over the age of 6 months to get a flu shot. That means you!
The flu causes approximately 5 million illnesses each year, and you don't want to be one of the victims. It's miserable!
We called on pharmacists and sorted through the latest Centers for Disease Control data and studies to come up with this list of things you should know before getting vaccinated.
And it not only protects you: A recent study in the Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine suggests that babies born to moms who get the flu shot may have some additional protection against the virus (since they can't get vaccinated until they're 6 months old, this is a very good thing!).
Do not opt for the nasal spray vaccine -- which contains a weakened "live" virus -- and, if you're worried about Thimerasol in the vaccine, preservative-free versions are available, says Stacia Woodcock, a Walgreens pharmacy manager in New York. Check in with your doc for details.
2. Feeling sniffly? Don't blame the shot. It is a myth that you can catch the flu from the vaccine. According to Amy Arbogast, a CVS pharmacist in Indianapolis, Ind., the injectable flu shot contains viruses that are inactive -- literally dead viruses. "Because flu season typically coincides with cough and cold season, people may mistake cold symptoms for flu systems."
3. One and done. You only need to get one shot.
4. Make it painless. If you tend to get anxious before getting a shot, be sure to eat and drink something beforehand to help prevent nerve-related nausea, says Martha Sullivan, director of health services at the College of the Holy Cross. And, hey, throw in something sweet: In some studies, kids who were given sugar before an injection felt less pain.
5. One excuse not to get the flu shot. If you're allergic to eggs or think you might be, talk to your doc before getting stuck.
Click here to find flu shot locations near you.
A bonus: This year, you may be able to skip the big, scary needle that shoots deep into your arm muscle and opt for a thinner, shorter needle that barely pricks your forearm.
The so-called "ouchless" needles are less than one-10th of an inch long and are about the width of a human hair, according to ABC News. Compare that to the one-and-a-half-inch needles used for a standard flu shot.
Health officials say it takes at least two weeks for vaccines to start becoming effective. In the meantime, don't forget the obvious ways to boost your immune function: Get plenty of rest, eat a well-balanced diet boasting loads of fruits and vegetables, exercise regularly and wash your hands!
We've got a few other strategies to help you shore up your immune system so you can get through the season sick-free:
- Eat chicken soup: Chicken contains an amino acid called cysteine that prevents inflammation in the nose and thins nasal mucus. Plus, chicken soup usually contains fresh garlic and onions, both of which contain powerful immune-enhancing chemicals. A bonus: If you're already sick, the hot liquid also helps soothe a sore throat.
- Take warm or hot baths: Taking a hot or warm bath helps stimulate blood and lymph circulation, which can help rid the body of toxins more efficiently.
- Drink fluids: Hot tea is best since it can help increase the mucus flow in your nose and flush out the virus.
- Lose the booze: A glass of wine with dinner is OK, but more than that and you may compromise your immune system. As little as two drinks a day can reduce antibody production by two-thirds, say experts.
- Skip sugary foods and sodas. Studies suggest that consuming 75-100 grams of refined sugar (about two 12-ounce cans of soda) reduces the ability of white blood cells to engulf foreign bacteria by 40 percent.
For more information about the seasonal flu vaccine, please visit the CDC website.
Health officials say it takes at least two weeks for vaccines to start becoming effective. In the meantime, don't forget the obvious ways to boost your immune function: Get plenty of rest, eat a well-balanced diet boasting loads of fruits and vegetables, exercise regularly and wash your hands!
We've got a few other strategies to help you shore up your immune system so you can get through the season sick-free:
- Eat chicken soup: Chicken contains an amino acid called cysteine that prevents inflammation in the nose and thins nasal mucus. Plus, chicken soup usually contains fresh garlic and onions, both of which contain powerful immune-enhancing chemicals. A bonus: If you're already sick, the hot liquid also helps soothe a sore throat.
- Take warm or hot baths: Taking a hot or warm bath helps stimulate blood and lymph circulation, which can help rid the body of toxins more efficiently.
- Drink fluids: Hot tea is best since it can help increase the mucus flow in your nose and flush out the virus.
- Lose the booze: A glass of wine with dinner is OK, but more than that and you may compromise your immune system. As little as two drinks a day can reduce antibody production by two-thirds, say experts.
- Skip sugary foods and sodas. Studies suggest that consuming 75-100 grams of refined sugar (about two 12-ounce cans of soda) reduces the ability of white blood cells to engulf foreign bacteria by 40 percent.
For more information about the seasonal flu vaccine, please visit the CDC website.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
2011 Goals
For 2010, I had talked about the goals I had for myself for the year. First and foremost, I have not yet achieved my Jennifer Aniston Abs. However, with all the random things that have been happening lately, I have not been making it to the gym like I should. I am proud of myself for running on the beach while on vacation. That was one goal that I am glad that I accomplished.
1. Sky Miles. I wanted enough to 'pay' for 2 flights out to San Francisco. I met that goal with a little help and was able to take an almost expense free vacation this fall to the west coast.
2. Loans. My student loans have been slowly making their way to the big zero. Recently, I took the plunge and just paid them off completely. I thought that it would be a lot more freeing of a feeling, but really- it wasn't. I just see my savings account, get down a little on the balance and tell myself, "That money will return in just a few short months. Don't fret."
3. Savings. Goal was to have one year's worth of gross salary in the bank. I hit my goal last month, but decided to pay off those pesky student loans, which dropped me back to the 50%-60% range. This account is separate from all other accounts (including the illustrious Gift Fund for Christmas and birthdays, and the emergency fund for all other unexpected expenses). According to my predictions, I should be back to where I was within the next 3.5 months. Yes... it does take me into 2012, but those are the breaks, Kid.
Winter is upon us here in the Midwest. Time to start thinking about my goals for the elusive 2012. Should I even make goals? Isn't the world going to end?? Remember Y2K? We didn't have a Y2K stock of food, but my then-boyfriend's family sure did! I guess I am just not superstitious enough. I digress.
My new goals for 2012 are pretty lofty.
1. Train enough to be able to run. Real running. My bum knee is no longer going to keep me from doing this. Slow and steady, however. My first step is to see how far I can get on the treadmill at the gym this weekend. I am hoping 3 miles. If that is the case, then I will slowly train for a 5k this November. Work my way up from there.
2. Continue to build up my savings. My goal is to be able to buy a house. It would be best if I had the patience to wait until I could buy one outright, but I am not sure that is the case. I have been able to cut back my spending substantially and am willing to put the goal of 1.5x my yearly salary in savings by the end of 2012.
3. To work my butt off and hopefully get another pay increase in March. I understand that there is a lot of potential for me to rise in the ranks this year (and the next 5 years as well.) I hope that I can accomplish this and that it will help me meet and exceed my financial goals.
4. Get an A in my Spring semester class. That one should be easy enough.
5. Find an internship that doesn't conflict with my current job. Now that one might be impossible. I guess we will see how it goes. This goal, Goal #5, is very flexible and does not need to be finished in 2012.
1. Sky Miles. I wanted enough to 'pay' for 2 flights out to San Francisco. I met that goal with a little help and was able to take an almost expense free vacation this fall to the west coast.
2. Loans. My student loans have been slowly making their way to the big zero. Recently, I took the plunge and just paid them off completely. I thought that it would be a lot more freeing of a feeling, but really- it wasn't. I just see my savings account, get down a little on the balance and tell myself, "That money will return in just a few short months. Don't fret."
3. Savings. Goal was to have one year's worth of gross salary in the bank. I hit my goal last month, but decided to pay off those pesky student loans, which dropped me back to the 50%-60% range. This account is separate from all other accounts (including the illustrious Gift Fund for Christmas and birthdays, and the emergency fund for all other unexpected expenses). According to my predictions, I should be back to where I was within the next 3.5 months. Yes... it does take me into 2012, but those are the breaks, Kid.
Winter is upon us here in the Midwest. Time to start thinking about my goals for the elusive 2012. Should I even make goals? Isn't the world going to end?? Remember Y2K? We didn't have a Y2K stock of food, but my then-boyfriend's family sure did! I guess I am just not superstitious enough. I digress.
My new goals for 2012 are pretty lofty.
1. Train enough to be able to run. Real running. My bum knee is no longer going to keep me from doing this. Slow and steady, however. My first step is to see how far I can get on the treadmill at the gym this weekend. I am hoping 3 miles. If that is the case, then I will slowly train for a 5k this November. Work my way up from there.
2. Continue to build up my savings. My goal is to be able to buy a house. It would be best if I had the patience to wait until I could buy one outright, but I am not sure that is the case. I have been able to cut back my spending substantially and am willing to put the goal of 1.5x my yearly salary in savings by the end of 2012.
3. To work my butt off and hopefully get another pay increase in March. I understand that there is a lot of potential for me to rise in the ranks this year (and the next 5 years as well.) I hope that I can accomplish this and that it will help me meet and exceed my financial goals.
4. Get an A in my Spring semester class. That one should be easy enough.
5. Find an internship that doesn't conflict with my current job. Now that one might be impossible. I guess we will see how it goes. This goal, Goal #5, is very flexible and does not need to be finished in 2012.
Sweet Love- Until the End
This is a story from ABC news. I only wish that my life is filled with as much love as theirs.
A devoted Iowa couple married for 72 years died holding hands in the hospital last week, exactly one hour apart.
The passing reflected the nature of their marriage, where, "As a rule, everything was done together," said the couple's daughter Donna Sheets, 71.
Gordon Yeager, 94, and his wife Norma, 90, left their small town of State Center, Iowa, on Wednesday to go into town, but never made it. A car accident sent the couple to the emergency room and intensive care unit with broken bones and other injuries. But, even in the hospital, their concerns were each other.
"She was saying her chest hurt and what's wrong with Dad? Even laying there like that, she was worried about Dad," said the couple's son, Dennis Yeager, 52. "And his back was hurting and he was asking about Mom."
When it became clear that their conditions were not improving, the couple was moved into a room together in beds side-by-side where they could hold hands. "They joined hands; his right hand, her left hand," Sheets said.
Gordon Yeager died at 3:38 p.m. He was no longer breathing, but the family was surprised by what his monitor showed. "Someone in there said, 'Why, then, when we look at the monitor is the heart still beating?'" Sheets recalled. "The nurse said Dad was picking up Mom's heartbeat through Mom's hand." "And we thought, 'Oh my gosh, Mom's heart is beating through him,'" Dennis Yeager said.
"Dad used to say that a woman is always worth waiting for," Dennis Yeager said. "Dad waited an hour for her and held the door for her." The inseparable couple was engaged and married within 12 hours in 1939 on the day Norma Yeager graduated from high school. "She graduated from high school on May 26, 1939, at about 10 a.m., and at about 10 p.m. that night she was married to my dad at his sister's house," Sheets said.
The vibrant duo had a "very, very full life."
They worked as a team. They traveled together, they were in a bridge club together and they worked in a Chevrolet dealership, creamery and other businesses together. "They always did everything together," Sheets said. "They weren't apart. They just weren't."
Dennis Yeager described his father as an "outgoing" and "hyper" man who was still working on the roof of his house and sitting cross-legged with no problem at age 90.
"The party didn't start until he showed up," he said. "He was the outgoing one and she supported him by being the giver. She supported Dad in everything. And he would've been lost without her."
Dennis Yeager said it is strange today to go into his parents' home and see the "two chairs side-by-side that they sat in all the time," empty. He said it was in those chairs that his parents cheered on the Arizona sports teams they loved and rarely missed an episode of "Wheel of Fortune" and "The Price Is Right."
Oct. 19, 2011
A devoted Iowa couple married for 72 years died holding hands in the hospital last week, exactly one hour apart.
The passing reflected the nature of their marriage, where, "As a rule, everything was done together," said the couple's daughter Donna Sheets, 71.
Gordon Yeager, 94, and his wife Norma, 90, left their small town of State Center, Iowa, on Wednesday to go into town, but never made it. A car accident sent the couple to the emergency room and intensive care unit with broken bones and other injuries. But, even in the hospital, their concerns were each other.
"She was saying her chest hurt and what's wrong with Dad? Even laying there like that, she was worried about Dad," said the couple's son, Dennis Yeager, 52. "And his back was hurting and he was asking about Mom."
When it became clear that their conditions were not improving, the couple was moved into a room together in beds side-by-side where they could hold hands. "They joined hands; his right hand, her left hand," Sheets said.
Gordon Yeager died at 3:38 p.m. He was no longer breathing, but the family was surprised by what his monitor showed. "Someone in there said, 'Why, then, when we look at the monitor is the heart still beating?'" Sheets recalled. "The nurse said Dad was picking up Mom's heartbeat through Mom's hand." "And we thought, 'Oh my gosh, Mom's heart is beating through him,'" Dennis Yeager said.
Norma Yeager died exactly an hour later.
The vibrant duo had a "very, very full life."
They worked as a team. They traveled together, they were in a bridge club together and they worked in a Chevrolet dealership, creamery and other businesses together. "They always did everything together," Sheets said. "They weren't apart. They just weren't."
Dennis Yeager described his father as an "outgoing" and "hyper" man who was still working on the roof of his house and sitting cross-legged with no problem at age 90.
"The party didn't start until he showed up," he said. "He was the outgoing one and she supported him by being the giver. She supported Dad in everything. And he would've been lost without her."
Dennis Yeager said it is strange today to go into his parents' home and see the "two chairs side-by-side that they sat in all the time," empty. He said it was in those chairs that his parents cheered on the Arizona sports teams they loved and rarely missed an episode of "Wheel of Fortune" and "The Price Is Right."
According to their obituary, besides their children, the Yeagers are survived by her sister, Virginia Kell, and his brother, Roger Yeager, as well as 14 grandchildren, 29 great-grandchildren and one great-great grandchild.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
HG is at it AGAIN!
Anyone that knows me, KNOWS I am somehow unearthly addicted to McDonald's Big Macs (extra pickles, extra sauce). I am well aware of how sickeningly bad these puppies are for me, yet they are like my very own special brand of crack. McCrack. Now, HG has done it again. I almost passed out at the sight of the email this morning. Not only did it reference my inner-geek by playing on a Star Wars reference, but it took my favorite guilty pleasure and just made it *gasp* HEALTHY. Time to hit up the grocery store!
Baby Got Stack!
We FINALLY tackled the Big Mac! And by that we mean we took it on and made it over in typical HG fashion. At no point did any HG employees physically wrestle a Big Mac to the ground... that we know of. Enough silliness -- on to the recipe!
1 1/2 tbsp. fat-free Thousand Island dressing
1/8 tsp. granulated sugar
1/8 tsp. white wine vinegar
1 tsp. finely minced onion or 1/2 tsp. dried minced onion
2 portabella mushroom caps
1 1/2 small light hamburger buns (1 top and 2 bottoms), or HG Alternative!
1/4 cup shredded lettuce, divided
1 slice fat-free American cheese
1 tbsp. diced onion, divided
3 hamburger dill pickle chips
To make the sauce, combine dressing, sugar, and vinegar in a small bowl. Mix well. Stir in minced onion and set aside.
Bring a large skillet sprayed with nonstick spray to medium-high heat on the stove. Place mushroom caps side by side in the skillet, rounded sides down. Cover and cook until soft, about 4 minutes per side.
Place one bun bottom on a plate, and spread with half of the sauce. Top with half of the lettuce (2 tbsp.), followed by the cheese slice. Place one cooked mushroom cap on top, and sprinkle with half of the diced onion (1/2 tbsp.).
Spread remaining half of the sauce on the other bun bottom, and place it on the sandwich, sauce side up. Top with pickle chips and the remaining 2 tbsp. lettuce. Top with the remaining mushroom cap and remaining 1/2 tbsp. onion.
Add the bun top and open wide!
Serving Size: entire recipe
Calories: 234
Fat: 2g
Sodium: 946mg
Carbs: 45g
Fiber: 9.5g
Sugars: 12g
Protein: 14.5g
PointsPlus® value 6*
HG Alternative! Feel free to use 1 bun as opposed to 1 1/2 -- just spread the 2nd half of the sauce on top of the 1st cooked mushroom (instead of the middle bun piece). Then your burger will have 194 calories, 1.5g fat, 854mg sodium, 38g carbs, 7.5g fiber, 12g sugars, and 12.5g protein (PointsPlus® value 5*).
Monday, October 17, 2011
Get Polished Nails Dry- Fast!
Here's a little bit that I ran into on a blog that I came by while looking for something COMPLETELY different. However- GREAT TIP!

Here’s a tip from my BFF in grade school – yes, grade school! She taught me this when we were about 10 years old and just starting to play around with nail polish. I don’t know where she got this trick from, but it sure does work! Basically, it’s just putting cold water on your nails after painting them. Once your nail polish is partially dry, run cold water over it for about 30 seconds (or if you prefer, dipping your fingers into a bowl of cold water). The cold temperature will set the nail polish, speeding up the drying time greatly.
Here’s a tip from my BFF in grade school – yes, grade school! She taught me this when we were about 10 years old and just starting to play around with nail polish. I don’t know where she got this trick from, but it sure does work! Basically, it’s just putting cold water on your nails after painting them. Once your nail polish is partially dry, run cold water over it for about 30 seconds (or if you prefer, dipping your fingers into a bowl of cold water). The cold temperature will set the nail polish, speeding up the drying time greatly.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
West Coast-ing It
Starting tomorrow is my vacation for the year. For the next 4 days I will be living here:
Thanks to Roo's family, who put us up in a BEAUTIFUL beach house. I look forward to waking up with the sun, going for runs on the beach, enjoying wine on the deck (while reading my book!) and falling asleep to the ocean waves. Worst thing about the trip is having to drive over the Golden Gate Bridge. (I'm terrified of heights!)
Here's to getting to spend time with Miles, Katie, Nathan, Nicole, Aniah, David, Sandy and the rest of the Rosenberg clan!! Plus, a beautiful outdoor wedding for Ben and Frances! Thank you so much, everyone, for inviting me and taking me in like family. Loads of Love!
Thanks to Roo's family, who put us up in a BEAUTIFUL beach house. I look forward to waking up with the sun, going for runs on the beach, enjoying wine on the deck (while reading my book!) and falling asleep to the ocean waves. Worst thing about the trip is having to drive over the Golden Gate Bridge. (I'm terrified of heights!)
Here's to getting to spend time with Miles, Katie, Nathan, Nicole, Aniah, David, Sandy and the rest of the Rosenberg clan!! Plus, a beautiful outdoor wedding for Ben and Frances! Thank you so much, everyone, for inviting me and taking me in like family. Loads of Love!
Monday, October 10, 2011
Diamondbacks Push Brewers to Game 5
It's been an interesting series. One that a lot of Brewers fans (yours truly) have found excting, then irritating. Especially those of us that have game 5 tickets. I wanted a sweep and then my tickets would magically transform into NLCS game 1 tickets. Now that would have been amazing to see. Alas, our Good Ole Boys are not hitting their stride out of town. Pun intended.
After taking the afternoon off on Friday, Roo and I headed down to the park for some tailgating. The game was intense, and in the tenth inning, I have never yelled so loud in my life. This game will always stay with me (even when the Brewers suck) and I will tell my grandchildren about it. Such a huge moment in Brewers history.
Now, on to game 2 of the NLCS. I'm in a raffle for tickets to tonights game. Send all your luck my way!! :)
Day of Caring
Here at my company we do a lot of community work. Most recently we particpated in a United Way Day of Caring. It was a great time, and serious employee bonding! We meet up at a group home, and repainted a VERY bright orange room.
Check out the retro wall art!
Starting the second coat of primer.
Taping the floor covers down. It was harder than it sounds!
The top 6 inches, painted by the tallest member of our crew.
Touching up the closet doors, which were splatter painted orange.
Wait? Why am I the only one painting? Let's take that picture again.
Yes, it is a posed shot- but look how happy we are to paint!
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Keep Carpets in Great Condition for 20+ Years!
Yet, even the best plans can’t prevent most homeowners from contending with unsightly stains.
If you’re faced with stained carpeting, follow these tips to curtail the long-lasting effects of spills, pet accidents, and other culprits:
- Red wine stain: Quickly absorb as much of the liquid as possible with towels to keep it from getting deep into the carpet. Dribble white wine on the remaining red wine stain. Rinse and repeat. Blot the excess with a damp, clean towel.
- Lipstick: Gently place petroleum jelly on the smudge, then mix a teaspoon of dish soap with one cup of warm water. Blot the smudge gently then scrape jelly off with a knife.
- Ink: Use rubbing alcohol, but do not pour it directly on the stain. Instead, dampen a towel, add alcohol and repeatedly blot ink stain with the cloth.
- Pet stains: Mix a half cup of white vinegar with a half cup of warm water. Soak the stain thoroughly. Sprinkle a handful of baking soda on the stain. Mix a half cup of hydrogen peroxide with a teaspoon of dish soap, then pour the mixture over the baking soda. Work into the carpet thoroughly. Allow area to dry completely, then vacuum.
- Fruit punch, Kool-aid or ketchup: Blot as much of the substance as you can as fast as you can. Then mix warm water with dish soap, dampen a clean cloth and press against the stain for 15 seconds. Let sit. Mix one cup of white vinegar with two cups water, dampen cloth and press against stain for 15 seconds. Let sit for 15 minutes. Blot with a clean dry towel.
- Oil and grease: Remove excess quickly with paper towel. Sprinkle salt or baking soda on stain and leave it overnight. Later, vacuum the salt or baking soda off of the stain area.
If these remedies don’t seem to be working, don’t waste time trying to continuously remove the stain. Know when it's time to give up on the household options and contact a highly rated professional carpet cleaner.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Things I Love
Warm drinks on cold days.
Fresh snow falling.
Spring rain.
Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Reading a good book.
Sleeping in my own bed after I've been away.
Being sent mail.
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